Calendar of added and updated items

November 2015

New information on the Willis Wilbert Oliver (c1875-1907) family

June 2014

Almost all the people on this site have been updated with the one or more of the following recently released record groups:

1921 Canadian Census

1911 English Census

Devon parish records - images of parish registers coming online at FindMyPast 

August 2013

Added a search tab. You can now search this site for names or places.

Moved list of children to near the top of their parent's page rather than at the bottom.

Lots of photos have come my way.  Thank you!

The Canadian 1921 census has recently been released but is not yet indexed. So far I have found Charles & Sarah Oliver Bonnycastle in BC and Robert & Mary Oliver Linton in Campbellford.

And, in the English Probate Calendar, the following people:


July 2013

New site features: Click the button labeled "Extended Family" found near the top of each person's page to open a nifty chart linking to 4 generations of ancestors as well as the person's siblings and children. Click on any superscripted citation reference to view the highlighted citation.

Found several key Devon marriages:

Some Canadian additions:

April 2011

  • Birth certificate for my ancestor Sarah Oliver in 1851. The search was complicated by the fact that she was not given a name by the time the birth was registered!
  • Obituaries in the Calgary Herald for Robert McClive Linton in 1971 and his father Adam Thomas Linton, 1957
  • A photograph of little Emma Oliver's gravestone in Ashcombe, Devon (thank you to Lois for tracking this down)
  • Four Oliver wills in Devon: Richard (dated 1831), his wife Sarah (dated 1844), his father William (written in 1796), and William's grandson John (dated 1852). As well, Sarah's signature was on the administration papers for Richard's estate
  • A marriage record for Richard's parents. William married Ann WILSON in 1755 in Stockleigh English
  • Added many more Olivers from Cheriton Fitzpaine. As yet, they don't all fit together but I hope that many of them will eventually. There are small charts of these family fragments and many have their own pages.
  • One of the newly included lines (with the collaboration of Jamie Barton) includes the John Oliver family that immigrated to Canada in 1911 . Also, photos for this family...hopefully we will receive photos of other lines and perhaps see some resemblances?!


 January 2011

  • The website has undergone renovations!  There are some visual changes but the primary change is that much of the content has been rewritten, citations edited, and photos cleaned up.  There are a lot more census and other data as the explosion of accessible primary information continues. Please let me know about any typos or unclear sections.
  • A new type of chart has been added to Second Site, the software I use to make this website.  The collapsible and expandable descendant chart is great for seeing the "big picture". You can open up the whole thing or just the parts of interest to you. Check it out -- Richard Oliver's descendants


  December 2008

  • Published the Oliver website